Wednesday, August 27, 2008

20 week scan

So we found out what the bean is and the sonographer was eighty percent sure we are having a little princess

Starting to feel like i bonding a bit with the baby now as she kicks a lot more.. or i can feel it more!!!

So half way there now!!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Cant sleep

Cant sleep, so bubs and are bonding :)

She/he just kicked me.. a nice little prod, twice in the same spot, gone quiet again now... seems to do it the most when i am chilled out on the computer....

Got my scan on tuesday now cause i had a major baby brain moment that i am so embarrsed about so we will no longer speak about it!!!

Dearest has finished the nusery so now it is my turn to get in there, and i cant wait!!!!

Things are a little weird between us at the moment, trying to find our groove i think... need to get the affection flowing again.

Well might try and sleep again now as it is almost midnight... xoxo

Thursday, August 21, 2008

2 dats till the scan

Only two sleeps to go :) nervous and excited... always get nervous before scans.. and excited cause we are finding out the sex of bubalugs!!!

Been getting mroe bubbles and the occasional prod the last week.. its pretty cool... was really active today when i had heaps of sugar (naughty naughty mummy i am ) so been very quiet tonight

off to bed, re husbands orders.. even tho he is away i still listen to him!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

I think we have a baby soccer player

So i have been just hanging out to feel some real movement from the littlebean the last few days, been getting the bubbles for a few days now but no real prods.... so i am sitting on the computer today and i feel a kick, so i put my hand on my tummy

IT GOT KICKED :) i sat there with this big grin on my face, then rang dearest and my mother!!!! I dont think they were as excited as i was :) but still it was sooo cool!!!!

I am starting to really feel like it is real now, not just this surreal dream i have been in, i mean my belly is getting bigger (and so is my backside according to my students) my boobs are hugemongus (well for me anyway) you would think it was feeling real for me, but still i am nervous about the whole thing!!! I am even putting off buying our big stuff till after the twenty week scan, we have had two very healthy scans... but no i am miss scardy pants!!!!

Ihave been such a slacko wife today, i really need a good hobby :) maybe i will go and buy some ingreadents tomorrow and do some baking!!! Going to mums for dinner i could take some dessert over!!! Now there is an idea.. then i am not sitting on my backside doing nothing!!

Ok my one or two readers signing off!!!

Did i tell ya i really felt bubs kick :)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Is it a boy is it a girl

Only a week till we find out!!!!

I really want bubs to be a girl, but if it is a little boy i will be happy too

I think i am starting to feel the little bean moving now, seem to get the bubble feeling at night and swear i got a boot today in the car!!!! Must be doing gymnastics and pusing off the walls.

Dearest has started on the nursery he has pulled up all the feral carpet and repainted etc the walls, he is tiling tomorrow, then i can get in there and make my nursery!!! How exciting.

I am soo over work, it is so draining at the moment, the end of the day comes and i am knackered!!

In saying that i am going to go plonk in front of the tv with a chocolate, kick hubby down the office to play guitar and watch So you think you can dance

Friday, August 1, 2008

Reality setting in

Yup the reality of having a midget soon is setting in!! We will be parents in 24 weeks, now that sounds like alot but really it isnt, considering the last 12 weeks have flown by i cant beleive that we will be parents so soon!!!

We went looking at cots today... i dont know if it is because dearest of mine isnt as excited or knows that i what i am like but i dont know if he is as excited as me :( it is so hard to tell with men sometimes... and really i want him to be as excited as me!!! Mind you he is the one that wanted to buy a baby mat which we did!!!

And then he talked about clearing out the back room as well so i guess he is excited i am just wanting him to jump around like me :)

The whole buyings things for the baby thing is hard when we don't know what sex it is!!! But i am going to a linen party today so hopefully i can find some unisex linen and feel like we are starting to get stuff!!!

Better go and feed me and the midget as i am hungry and i missed the window this morning and ended up feeling sick